miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

can deaf people use the internet ?


. The Internet is creating new kinds of meeting places and work areas and the  possibilities of new types of relationships acroos time and space. Certainly,the internet is shaping language practices in the Deaf community, with an interest in how new tools mediate and influence human behavior, including language and the organization of interaction. This includes the development and manipulation of a computer-mediated image of self and other, creativity and problem solving in new communicative spaces, creating reciprocal perspectives, new participation frameworks, and specifics of language change. For the first time, deaf people can communicate using manual visual language, in many cases their native language, across space and time zones. This groundbreaking situation makes the Deaf community a particularly productive site for research into relationships between technological innovations and new communicative practices.

" members of the deaf community are increasingly using the  internet to find and connect with one another "


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